Upon deciding to make this blog a static website, I looked for a tool I could use to help me generate it. Also, I looked for one that uses Python as I've been dabbling with it for some time already. Among the first ones that came out from review sites and Google searches is Pelican(https://getpelican.com/). I got hooked very soon after using it as it felt like a KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid) solution, very much like Slackware Linux, the main Operating System I use. As it's Open Source, you are free to use it without monetary cost. Also, it was surprisingly easy to setup in Slackware Linux(I just modified the python symbolic link to target python3(su -c "rm /usr/bin/python ; ln -sf /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/python"), and then executed a pip command(python -m pip install "pelican[markdown]") while being the regular user I plan to use for Pelican). Also, I had to add "/home/
This move is very beneficial for me as I don't have to worry about things like updating Wordpress or its plugins. Also, I don't have to worry about unknown vulnerabilities in PHP code since this is now a static website. For me, Pelican is a "fire and forget" tool during every update in this blog. I can now also leverage simple WAF rules. Aside from security, the hosting overhead is less. This gives me the benefit of a better performing website for less cost. I am also able to make use of CDN better because of the static nature of this website.
Currently, among the disadvantages I see is that visitors can't make comments. But this is not a big issue for me as I do not want to do additional work in filtering unreasonable comments.
If you are a person who would like to turn your blog or website into a static one, and you like the Python programming language, then I will definitely suggest that you try Pelican to help you.